Product Name: babyletto Madison Swivel Glider, Slate
Snuggle in and rock baby to sweet slumber with the sublime Madison Swivel Glider. This soft and cozy glider's spacious seating area and rounded back make for heavenly cuddling or story time with your little one. The 360° swivel mechanism allows you to turn and glide every which way; easily turn to talk with your family while staying put with baby. The quality of this modern glider ensures that it will be enjoyed by your family well beyond your little one's nursery years. The Madison Swivel Glid
babyletto Madison Swivel Glider, Slate
- Metal base
- Smooth gliding motion
- Easy-to-clean microsuede fabric is water-repellant and stain-resistant
- Formaldehyde free and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) free
- Meets all CA117 requirements
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