Safety 1st
Product Name: Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose
The Safety 1st travel ease Elite play yard makes traveling a breeze for you and your child. The compact folding design allows you to easily take it from place to place, whether you're going to visit the grandparents or just transitioning from the nursery to the living room. This Elite play yard includes a removable toy bar with 3 fun toys to amuse your little one. With an elevated, easy-reach changing table, storage shelf and full-size bassinet, it has all the options you want in a play yard.
Safety 1st Travel Ease Elite Play Yard, Eiffel Rose
Product Features:
- Elevated, easy-reach changing table
- Removable toy bar with 3 soft toys
- Extra-deep storage shelf
- Full-size bassinet
- Compact folding design
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