Product Name: GracoTravel Lite Crib With Stages, Notting Hill
Graco Bassinet - Notting Hill For parents who want to keep their sleeping infants closer longer, our Travel Lite™ Crib with Stages provides the perfect spot. It features a 2-level bassinet that adjusts as your baby grows, while the quilted mattress pad keeps baby comfy and cozy. There is a canopy with soft toys to shield baby from light and create a soothing environment. For your convenience, we’ve designed our Travel Lite™ Crib with Stages to be 20% smaller than traditional playards. Fold
GracoTravel Lite Crib With Stages, Notting Hill
Product Features:
- One-of-a-kind, height-adjustable bassinet has 2 levels, so it grows with your baby to keep him comfortably close to you
- Versatile crib easily converts to a portable playard, helping to keep him comfortably close to you at home and in comfortable surroundings when away
- Weighs less than 20 pounds, so it's ready to go wherever, whenever
- Space-saving design makes it 20% smaller than our traditional playards for easy in-room fit
- Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
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