Product Name: BananaFish Bubblegum Diaper Stacker
BananaFish Bubblegum Diaper StackerThe Bananafish Bubble Gum diaper stacker makes organizing diapers and keeping them in easy reach a cinch. This colorful yellow, pink, green and white diaper stacker beautifully complements Bubble Gum baby bedding and can hang in easy reach of your changing table.Bubble Gum Collection includes:-4 Piece Bedding Set: Comforter, Sheet, Bumper, Skirt-Musical Mobile-Lamp-Valance-Diaper Stacker-Decorative Pillow-Receiving Blanket- 4 Pack-Solid Sheet-Jaquard Blanket-Pl
BananaFish Bubblegum Diaper Stacker
Product Features:
- Banana Fish Bubble gum diaper stacker
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