Levels of Discovery
Product Name: Levels of Discovery Princess Child's Table and Two Chair Set
The Royal Princess Table and Chair Set is truly fit for a princess. The table and chairs are made of sturdy rubberwood with purple, pink, white and gold accents all throughout. The two chairs come complete with a removable padded seat cushion for added comfort, back seat cushion is heart shaped. Lift the "Crown Jewels" handle in the center to reveal a hidden jewelry box with a music box that plays Pomp and Circumstance. Order today and give your little princess her very own table and chair set
Levels of Discovery Princess Child's Table and Two Chair Set
Product Features:
- Secret compartment opens to reveal a place for treasures
- Includes a music box that plays "Pomp and Circumstance"
- Two matching padded chairs with the seat 11 1/2" above the floor
- Beautiful pink, lavender and gold coloring
- Title: Always a Princess
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