Levels of Discovery
Product Name: Levels of Discovery Alphabet Soup Toy Box Bench
The Levels of Discovery Alphabet Soup Toy Box Bench has a bright, colorful design with integral teaching tools for young children. A colorful combination of solids, polka dots and stripes in shades of blue, green, red, orange, and ivory will capture the attention, while spinning tiles provide stimulating activity. Your child will love using the tiles to learn the alphabet letters and names of animal friends. And when your little one is ready, the dry-erase board is ideal for practicing letters a
Levels of Discovery Alphabet Soup Toy Box Bench
- Clever and colorful combination of solids, plaids, polka dots and stripes
- Playful bench seat
- Wipe off board for practicing letters and numbers
- Slow-closing metal safety hinge
- Spinning blocks along top of seat back
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