Badger Basket
Product Name: Black Sleigh Style Changing Table with Hamper/3 Baskets by Badger Basket # 02404
This changing table keeps everything tidy and concealed for a clean look in the nursery. Large pull out hamper for dirty duds, or for storing bulk packs of diapers, blankets, and toys! Three pull-out baskets are ideal for changing supplies, clothes, socks, shoes, and toiletries. Includes top pad and safety belt. Overall unit measures 37.5 inches L x 19 inches D x 37.5 inches H. Hamper bag measures approximately 14.5 inches W x 15.5 inches D x 23 inches H. Baskets measure approximately 12.75 inch
Black Sleigh Style Changing Table with Hamper/3 Baskets by Badger Basket # 02404
- This changing table keeps everything tidy and concealed for a clean look in the nursery.
- Large pull out hamper for dirty duds, or for storing bulk packs of diapers, blankets, and toys!
- Three pull-out baskets are ideal for changing supplies, clothes, socks, shoes, and toiletries.
- Includes top pad and safety belt.
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