Product Name: Dutailier Nursing Grand Modern Glider Chair with Built-In Feeding Pillows, Espresso/Camel
The new Dutailier Modern Grand glider with built in nursing pillow is the latest innovation in the nursing chair comfort. When not in use, the Nursing pillows provide extra padded comfort as part of the back cushion. When in use, the right or left nursing pillow is simply detached from the back cushion and lowered into the nursing position, as seen on the pictures. The exclusive Dutailier gliding mechanism allows for an extra long and smooth gliding movement. Its multi position mechanism stabili
Dutailier Nursing Grand Modern Glider Chair with Built-In Feeding Pillows, Espresso/Camel
Product Features:
- Grand glider chair with built-in feeding pillows
- Multi-position mechanism allows to stop the glider at the desired position
- Great reclining mechanism allows backrest to be fully adjustable
- Hardwood frame construction in espresso finish
- Easy care beige fabric
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